Wednesday, May 26, 2010

5 Secrets of a Perfect Kitchen That You Need to Know

Have you ever felt how everything in some kitchens is always perfect? There always seems to be space to store more and more. The kitchen appears capable of providing all the equipment and materials necessary to cook up any type of meal. These kitchens look as if they have materialized out of a dream or one of those TV cookery shows. But in reality it is not that difficult to get such a kitchen for you.

Prioritize Your Storage

There are some things in a kitchen that you do not need every day while others are used daily. When storing items in your kitchen cupboards, prioritize your storage so that the more frequently used items are easily accessible. Also prioritize on the basis of size and volume of what you are storing. If you keep that small pack of spices behind the big bag of flour, it will be difficult to find.

Learn to Adapt

It is not always possible to afford a horde of cooking equipments. However, this does not mean that there is something you cannot cook due to the lack of it. While the perfectly matched instruments would being out the best results, cooking is also possible through makeshift methods. A cleaver is the easiest but not the only option when you are cutting meat. If you want to steam something, it is not always necessary to use a proper steamer. Any pan combined with a sieve and a heat resistant dish can work as your steaming apparatus.

Re-organize Your Kitchen

Sometimes adeptly placed cooking stations can reduce the time you need to cook the meals. If a proper layout of your kitchen is done your need to move about the kitchen doing your chores will be greatly reduced. If you have to move across a crowded kitchen to the faucet and the sink with a bowl of hot pasta, it is not only a difficult but also a dangerous thing to do. Ideally, all the places which the food materials move from the start of a dish to its completion should be in a three to five foot radius from where you cook.

Defy the Time Traps

Many complicated recipes and meals require several different things to be done at a time. Any experienced house wife is also a brilliant time manager. Preparation time need not always be just for preparation. For example, while you wait for something to be done in the microwave, it would be a good time to prepare the next thing which goes in.

Good Kitchen Habits

If you maintain a good overall kitchen culture and have developed good habits in your kitchen, it will always be spotless and ready for extensive use. Do away with the dishes as soon as they arrive, do not wait for anything. Always return whatever you use to its proper place so it is easily available the next time too. Sheath or wedge in knives after use, this not only makes your kitchen look neat but also is a very safe thing to do.

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